Airline Information
Imperial County Airport is currently served by Southern Airways Express LLC with multiple daily direct round-trip flights between IPL and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and IPL and Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) , using 9-seat Cessna Grand Cravan aircraft.
For reservations, or airline information, please visit or call Reservations at (800) 329-0485.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) ensures the safety of all passengers travelling from Imperial County Airport. Be prepared for your next flight. Learn about checkpoint security screening processes and what you can bring.
We offer the following tips to help maximize your travel experience with as little inconvenience as possible.
Travel Preparation
Check with your airline to determine if flights are on time.
If you aren't sure what can/cannot be taken on the plane, please visit the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website Security is everybody's business, so please help us to help you.
At the Airport
We encourage all of our passengers to arrive at lease 90 minutes prior to your flight. This allows ample time for check-in and security screening.
Imperial County Airport does not charge for parking. Parking is currently free until further notice. Imperial County Airport is not responsible for lost or damaged belongings.
Curbside access is for loading and unloading only. No parking or waiting is permitted.
Checking In
You will be required to have government issued ID when you check-in for your flight. You may be asked to produce this ID again, at other stages of the check-in process. Please be prepared to show ID as well as boarding ticket at each of the boarding processes.
Give yourself enough time to check-in, in person, at the airline ticket counter. Passengers are permitted to check two pieces of baggage.
At Security Screening
Only ticketed passengers will be allowed beyond the screening checkpoint. If you have a medical, parental or other specific,
verifiable need to accompany a ticketed passenger, please check with your AIRLINE prior to departure to determine your best course of action.
Please remove ALL knives, scissors, and blades, of any type or size from your carry-on baggage. These items should be packed in your checked baggage. They will not be allowed in the sterile area of the airport or personally carried on board the
If you have a medical condition that requires you to carry a needle and/or syringe on your person or in your carry-on baggage you must also have the medication that requires such injection on your person. The medication must be packaged with a pharmaceutical label or professionally printed label identifying the medication. Please check with your airline prior to screening.
Please avoid carrying bottles of liquid through the screening checkpoint. According to regulations you will only be allowed to carry on sealable containers that are leak proof. The necessity of screening these items will increase your check-in processing time. If you have any special dietary needs, please contact your AIRLINE to confirm the services provided on your flight.
At All Times
Control all carry-on bags. Never leave anything unattended as it could be subject to tampering.
Never carry anything onboard the aircraft for another person, especially for someone you do not know.
Report any unattended packages or baggage anywhere in the airport or on the airplane to airport security personnel or airline personnel.
Please keep these tips in mind as you plan your trips and when you arrive at the airport. Please be patient with airport staff and the services agents who are there to assist you. They too are experiencing changes to the way they conduct their business each day. If we work together we
can make the system safe and effective for every traveler. For more information contact airport administration at 442-265-3220 (press 5).
Airline information can be obtained at:
The Imperial County Airport staff encourage the public to resume their normal air travel habits and be assured that it is safe to fly. We also extend our sincere appreciation to the public for their cooperation and support.